Regnology Supervisory Hub
More efficient and effective on-site and off-site supervision through automation and improved data quality.
Regnology Fusion Statistics
Efficient statistical data and metadata sharing across organizations and institutions through the widely adopted SDMX standard.
SDMX is a highly recognized ISO standard providing a flexible metamodel for describing data in any statistical domain.
Regnology Fusion Statistics delivers an enterprise SDMX statistical data management solution for storage of aggregated time series, data cataloguing and public dissemination for central banks, international organizations, national statistics offices, development banks and regional statistics authorities.
Related solutions & services
More efficient and effective on-site and off-site supervision through automation and improved data quality.
Meet your international tax transparency commitments and maximize revenue collection with automatic exchange of information
Central banks are facing a big data problem, the number of firms and disclosures they must supervise is increasing rapidly and is straining limited resources.
A conversation between Sidharta Dash, Chief Researcher at Chartis Research, and Rob Mackay, CEO of Regnology.
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SDMX provides a metamodel for describing data in any statistical domain.
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