Frankfurt/Zürich, July 4th, 2024 - Regnology, a leading software provider with a focus on regulatory reporting solutions, today announced a partnership with Regdata, a pioneer in data security. This collaboration aims to enhance end-to-end data security and provide a secure pathway for the end-to-end operation of Regnology Regulatory Tax (“RegTax”), keeping critical banking data fully protected.

RegTax solution delivers tax control and reporting compliance across financial institutions and their branches through a centralized model. The solution covers reporting to tax authorities and several domestic regimes for 140 countries, offering powerful features such as automated corrections, reconciliation, and secured submissions of the deliveries. The solution is hosted on Rcloud, Regnology’s deployment platform powered by Google Cloud.

The partnership with Regdata will further strengthen the security of the RegTax solution in line with the latest compliance guidelines such as FINMA (Financial Market Supervisory Authority) and CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier).

RegData's tokenization technology replaces sensitive data with non-sensitive tokens, ensuring data security and compliance. Additionally, the REGDATA Protection Suite enhances data security, compliance, and governance, reducing the risk of breaches and penalties.


“We are excited about our partnership with Regdata. Their expertise in data security will provide our clients with an even more robust and secure tax reporting solution. This partnership aligns with our commitment to providing the highest level of security and compliance to our clients.”

Antoine Moreau, CIO of Regnology

“We are delighted to join forces with one of the key leaders in the Tax Reporting space and further expand our ability to support financial institutions in reaching the “gold standard” in data security in a highly regulated and competitive market.”

Nicolas Prince, CEO of RegData


About RegData

REGDATA, founded in 2018 and based in Geneva, Switzerland, is a leading provider of Data Security & Privacy services. The REGDATA team designs and develops our proprietary REGDATA Protection Suite (RPS) software. The RPS Platform provides a cutting-edge data protection & privacy service that enables Banks to apply their data protection policies across their business applications hosted in multi-Cloud environments.
With features including proof-of-compliance reporting, it is particularly well suited for the complex requirements of highly regulated sectors such as Financial Services that have strict data security and privacy requirements.

For more information about RegData, connect with them on LinkedIn.

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