Nos solutions

Améliorer la qualité des données, simplifier les flux de travail et rendre le reporting plus efficace pour un monde financier plus sûr et plus stable.

  • Technologie de supervision pour les régulateurs

    Une supervision plus efficiente et efficace grâce à l’automatisation de l’ensemble du cycle de surveillance et à des données de meilleure qualité.

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  • Technologie de reporting pour les entités régulées

    Workflows plus efficaces, valeur ajoutée rapide et tranquillité d’esprit grâce à une technologie fiable et tournée vers l’avenir ainsi qu’à un savoir-faire inégalé dans le domaine du reporting règlementaire.

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Une plateforme multi-récompensée

Notre approche

Unir les workflows des régulateurs et des entités régulées pour dompter la complexité croissante du reporting règlementaire, l’accélération du rythme des changements et le renforcement des exigences en matière de qualité des données.

  • Standardisation

    Standardisation end-to-end des données granulaires aux déclarations, y compris des dictionnaires et modèles de données et de la logique de traitement.

  • Mutualisation

    Efforts et coûts réduits grâce au partage des connaissances et aux investissements mutuels dans des plateformes de données/analytiques partagées et leur administration.

  • Automatisation/Digitalisation

    Conception numérique de bout en bout associée à la règlementation en tant que code pour automatiser et simplifier la transformation des données, la génération et la distribution des déclarations.

  • Cloud

    Profitez des avantages d'une mise à l'échelle horizontale comme verticale, d'une grande flexibilité, de notre architecture certifiée GCP et d'un environnement de développement moderne.

We are certain that Regnology’s Banking platform will enable us to increase efficiency in our reporting process and help us establish a high standard in our regulatory management.

Stéphane Remy Director Risk/Finance
La Banque Postale

Regnology’s solution best met APRA’s need for a modern, efficient and user-friendly data collection system that would adapt as technology evolved. We are confident that the partnership will allow financial companies to report data to APRA more quickly, efficiently and accurately.

Sean Carmody Executive Director for the Cross-Industry Insights and Data Division

The collaboration with Regnology and the use of their client tax reporting solution allows us to produce high-quality and country-specific tax reports for our clients. It was important for us to deploy their solution in the cloud and to highly automate the processes. In this way, we can efficiently produce high volumes of tax reports on request.

Tom Spigland Product Manager

We selected Regnology’s AEOI platform due to their expertise not just in the area of IT but also in international taxation obligations as well as their prior experience of working with African government authorities.

Femi Edgal Assistant Director
The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) of Nigeria

Regnology’s platform has been at the heart of our regulatory reporting system since June 2020. The new generation platform opens a path of technological evolution, and we see Regnology as a natural partner to help us reap its full benefits

Johannes Kermer Divisional Director

As an important player in the financial market, we need to meet the whole range of transaction-based reporting requirements [...] This is time-saving, cost-effective, and will make our work much easier in the future, since we have to prepare and deliver the data only once.

Fariborz Nourani Head of Division | Head Office Operations
Raiffeisen Bank International

Regnology’s insurance reporting solution proved to be a stable and reliable platform. We are very satisfied with the results.

Monty Cachej Senior Project Manager
Zurich Insurance Group

Nous soutenons plus de 35 000 établissements financiers et 70 autorités de règlementation, organisations internationales et autorités fiscales dans le monde.

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Nos derniers articles

  • Regnology Disclosure Hub


    Regnology Disclosure Hub

    Regnology Disclosure Hub simplifies the disclosure process for both financial and non-financial information, helping institutions comply with the latest regulatory standards, including the European Single Access Point (ESAP) requirements.

    Discover more
  • AI for regulatory reporting: Challenges, opportunities and the road ahead


    AI for regulatory reporting: Challenges, opportunities and the road ahead

    Part 1 - Discover how AI can supercharge regulatory data management and its initial application of AI in regulatory reporting.

  • In conversation with Erik Becker, Product Director at Regnology


    In conversation with Erik Becker, Product Director at Regnology

    MiCAR unveiled: What the EU’s new crypto regulations mean for the market.

  • Regulatory Reporting Calendar 2024


    Regulatory Reporting Calendar 2024

    View the most important regulatory reporting requirements, listed by country, report supervisor, reporting area, legal context and reporting date, at a glance.


En savoir plus

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