Our platform vision

To deliver a platform that streamlines the workflows of regulators and the regulated with a common user interface that enables the sharing of services and data and enhances communication.

Key benefits

  • Standardization

    End-to-end standardization from granular data to reports and inclusive of data dictionaries, models and processing logic.

  • Mutualization

    Reduced efforts and costs through knowledge sharing and mutual investments in shared data/analytics platforms and their governance.

  • Automation/Digitization

    Digital design from end-to-end combined with regulation as code automates and simplifies data transformation, report generation and distribution.

  • Cloud-Based

    Efficient horizontal and vertical scaling, high elasticity, GCP-approved IT architecture and a modern development environment deliver scalability, efficiency and security.

Regnology’s platform has been at the heart of our regulatory reporting system since June 2020. The new generation platform opens a path of technological evolution, and we see Regnology as a natural partner to help us reap its full benefits. With this extended collaboration, we benefit from the first-class expertise regulatory reporting with scaled-up service delivery.

Johannes Kermer Divisional Director


  • Unifying UI

    Full coverage of the regulatory value chain through one unifying user interface.

  • Unique Data Model

    An easy-to-understand and flexible single data ingestion model, applicable to template-based, cube-based or granular-data reporting for reporting synergy.

  • Automation

    More report automation and less manpower with advanced bilateral exception handling.

  • Lower TCO

    Shared components and services lead to platform synergies and lower TCO.


Augmented Regulatory Reporting

Bringing greater efficiency, scalability and security across all Regnology’s cloud-native solutions.

Explore this solution

Related solutions & services

  • Rconnect

    Bridging the communication gap between regulators and the regulated

    Learn more
  • Regnology Reporting Hub

    Greater reporting efficiency and accuracy through workflow automation, collaboration and analytics.

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  • Regnology Supervisory Hub

    More efficient and effective on-site and off-site supervision through automation and improved data quality.

    Learn more
  • Professional services

    Your partner in ensuring you get the maximum value from our regulatory reporting solutions.

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