• 2024/01/04 CET
  • Webinar

The Basel III reform or Basel IV has been a long-anticipated process. While the US has just unveiled its implementation proposal, other countries such as Canada and Hong Kong have been making significant progress. The European Union is steadfast in its commitment to making the January 1st, 2025 deadline. 

Given the various deadlines and interpretations, implementation can pose a significant challenge for banks of all sizes.


In this panel, our experts dive into the intricacies of Basel IV and cover:  

  • The global readiness landscape for Basel IV so far.    
  • How the calculation and methodology changes are affecting the banks' capital.  
  • And more! 
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Basel IV - Global update

“Many globally active institutions have been dealing with the new (Basel) requirements for quite a while. [...] According to the first very detailed impact analysis we performed with our clients, a number of mid-sized banks, especially the smaller ones, are still a little bit reluctant to deal with the details of the new regulations. Some of them simply wait for the final papers.” 
“A company/banking group that is active in 20 different jurisdictions may have to implement 20 different calculation engines. That's a huge challenge.”

Martin Neisen, Partner, PwC


Martin Neisen

Martin Neisen

Partner PwC

Shahab Khan

Shahab Khan

Head of Liquidity Policy HSBC

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